Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

As one of my dear friends likes to say on her birthday, it's my birthday, not yours! It literally is all about me today. OK, so I like to think that about everyday, but let's face it, your birthday is truly your special day. My birthday is my favorite day of the year. I love holidays, especially Christmas and the 4th of July, but my birthday is the tops for me.

The FI is coming in tonight, although his flight is delayed...making his arrival 3 hours later. Oh well, I suppose we'll just have a late dinner. Then on from dinner and out to have drinks with my friends. I think tonight I may have to make an exception to my, I don't like to stay out after midnight stance. Although, technically after midnight, it is no longer my birthday. What the heck, we'll make this my birthday weekend. Why only celebrate for a day, when you can have three. It's definitely great that my birthday is on a Friday. I'm not going to lie.

We are also going to Lake Norman on Saturday for the remainder of the weekend. My sister is coming up from Florida so that we can celebrate my parents 40th anniversary. That's a biggie in any one's book. I guess this weekend is truly about celebrations as it's also my sister's (the one from Florida) anniversary.

I'll provide an update on the happenings this weekend on Monday. By then I might have time to download the Jamaica pictures I promised to share last week. I might even have some from this weekend to share.

Until then. Have a great weekend all!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

10 Things I Love About Summer

  1. Waking up to a sunny day
  2. Backyard BBQ's
  3. Seasonal beers
  4. Cute shoes and dresses
  5. Being able to wear flip flops without your toes freezing
  6. Having a tan that doesn't come from a bottle
  7. Saturday afternoons with a magazine and iced coffee on my back deck
  8. Fresh flowers
  9. Patio dining
  10. My birthday - which is this Friday - celebrated with lots of friends, lots of vodka and soda, great dinner at my favorite restaurant and my fantastic fiance

Friday, July 18, 2008

Still Here

No, I did not fall off the face of the Earth. I did fall into the ocean in Jamaica and then straight to NYC for a media tour. Jamaica was fabulous and I promise to post pictures soon. NYC was great. The media tour went very well. Oh, did I mention that the press release I put out this week got picked up by Go me!

I'll be back soon with pictures and maybe an update on my crazy life.